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Texas Primrose

Texas Primrose is an evergreen, low growing perennial that is perfect for the Texas landscape! At maturity, they get to be less than a foot tall and can get to be between 2 and 3 feet wide. Texas Primrose has dark green, narrow, finely textured foliage. It also has bright, cheery yellow flowers. Texas Primrose does well on slopes and in hot spots in the garden. It is native to areas of New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. It tolerates a good amount of heat, making this a perfect plant for the coming summer months!

Mexican Flame Vine

Mexican Flame Vine is a fast growing, heat loving plant that features attractive evergreen foliage. The small clusters of brilliant orange, daisy-like blooms contrast well with the dark green leaves. Although the blooms peak in spring and summer, the vine often produces blooms throughout the year. Mexican Flame Vine is great for adding color to an unsightly fence or to crawl up a trellis.


Coleus is ideal for anyone who wants color in a hurry, whether in the garden, patio or house. There is no need to wait for the bloom on this plant because the color is in the beautiful, showy foliage. Coleus colors can range from red, green, purple or violet. It is a versatile and a vigorous plant that can be grown year round. It adjusts beautifully to life in pots, planters, flower beds or borders. The 'Kong' varieties are great for shady areas. Many growers will often pinch the non-showy blooms off to redirect the plants energy to the attractive foliage.


Did you know that apples are the most widely adapted deciduous fruit tree in the United States? They need full sun for optimal development and typically will not grow in the tropical south because there are not enough chilling hours to satisfy the requirements of the plant. Hardy from zones 4-8, apples have a high wind tolerance and prefer a well-drained soil. Use apple trees as mass plants, shade plants or even as specimen plants.

Silver Falls™ Dichondra

Silver Falls™ Dichondra, also known as Silver Pony-Foot, is a creeping or a trailing evergreen annual that is native to the Southwestern desert regions of the United States. It has silver, fan-shaped foliage. It is effective on rock walls, where it can cascade downward. It is best grown in baskets or as a seasonal ground cover. Here at Creekside, we have Silver Falls™ Dichondra available for sale in a four inch size. These plants go FAST! Order yours today!