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Salvia Greggii Mirage Pink

This salvia gives another great color choice in a perennial. With its pretty pink color it will mix well with blue, white and red salvias making a great perennial garden. Will work well in a container planting mixed with verbenas or trailing lantana. Blooming from early spring to fall in most areas, heat tolerant with only medium water needs. Reaching 12-14 inches in height with a 14-16 inch spread and hardy in zones 7-9. Will also attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.

Coreopsis Gold & Bronze

Coreopsis make a great addition to in any full sun garden. Blooming from spring to late summer this plant will add a splash of bright color. A mounding habit reaching 12-14" height and a 12-14" spread this plant works well in any size garden. Try planting in a container with petunias or portulaca on a sunny patio to add interest. Low water needs and resistant to mildew.

Juncus Blue Arrow

This grass is easy to grow in moist to wet soil, but is surprisingly drought tolerant. Plant in full sun to light shade for best results. This grass will add contrast and interest to any garden through out the year. With its stiff and upright form add to a container planting or use in a pond area. With a 36" height and a spread of 12" this plant will work almost anywhere in your garden or landscape.

Carex 'Ice Dancer'

Ice Dancer is a dense spreading sedge with a bright white edge. Grown for its contrasting foliage, this plant will complement most other plants in your garden. Evergreen in most climates, it adds a bright color in the winter months when most plants are dormant. 6-12" in height with a 1-3' spread and little to no maintenance. Use as a border, clumped together for an accent or as a container plant with spring or fall color for added interest.

Juncus 'Curly Wurly"

A fun looking plant with twisted, spiraling foliage. This plant will work well in areas with poor drainage or in aquatic containers. Plant as a mass planting, border edge or in a bog garden. This grass does best in a full sun to part shade areas and needs to stay moist. Grows to 18" in height and spread, and will work even in a city environment in small gardens or pots.