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Melampodium Blackfoot Daisy

A favorite dryland native wildflower, Melampodium Blackfoot Daisy prefers sandy, well-drained soils and gravel mulch. It doesn’t do well planted in clay. With decent rains, but not excess water, it will flower almost all summer, covering itself with 1" wide, white petal, yellow centered daisies on tidy, mounding plants. It loves full sun, but it’s also great in light shade. Blackfoot Daisies bloom from early spring through fall. It self-seeds easily, but is not invasive. Give it a haircut now and then to remove spent flowers and encourage more flowering. Blackfoot Daisy is hardy to well below zero and is equally hardy in our hot Texas summers.

Maui Yellow Ixora

This truly tropical evergreen shrub is relatively compact. It can be used as a landscape plant in frost-free zones and as container specimens in cooler climates. Where hardy, it is ideal for hedges, borders, and foundation plantings. Mauis prefer full sun to part shade, particularly in the hottest part of the day with sunlight bringing out vibrant colors and more prolific blooming. Its soil must be well-drained and on the acid side. Covered with large, leathery, dark green leaves, it will produce many round flower clusters comprised of lots of four-petaled blooms with long floral tubes. The brightly colored flowers are sunny orangish yellow. They are pollinated by butterflies and followed by hard, fleshy berry-like (non-edible) fruits.

Elaeagnus Ebbengei

A dense evergreen shrub with upright, spineless branches densely dressed with silver-scaled green foliage. The stems and new growth are accentuated by brown scales. Very small, intensely fragrant flowers open in the Fall and are followed by small red berries. This makes an excellent hedge, foundation shrub or small accent tree. It is resistant to maritime exposure and salt-laden winds. It can grow right next to the sea and when grown into hedge form, can give good wind protection. Stays evergreen in mild winter climates and will tolerate all but extremely soggy soils. It is as happy in full sun as it is in deep shade making it an all-around great choice for many landscape applications.

Fountain Grass Cassian

Graceful, flowing fountain grasses are versatile and beautiful plants for sunny, dry landscapes. This dwarf fountain grass works well in tight, small spaces, in borders or perennial gardens. It is similar in appearance to Pennisetum alopecuroides Hameln, but Cassian is a foot taller. ‘Cassian’ produces cream-pink tinted bottlebrush blooms in July that persist well into September. A palette of oranges and reds appears in October.

Society Garlic

Society garlic is an attractive ornamental plant from South Africa whose leaves have a garlicky odor. Southern gardeners can grow it year-round outdoors; it tolerates summer heat well and blooms for months. The plants do best in full sun and in light, sandy soil. Plants grown in part shade may send up a few flowers, but the bloom period will be shorter. Full sun is a must for good flowers! A leafless stalk 1 or 2 feet tall holds seven to 20 flowers above the foliage in an umbel. Society garlic, excellent as an ornamental, has an alter ego in the kitchen. The leaves can be chopped like those of garlic chives and added to stir-fries, salads, soups or egg dishes, wherever you’d like a hint of garlic.