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Star Jasmine

Also called Confederate Jasmine, this beautiful vine can be trained to cover arbors, trellises or fencelines or trail along as a groundcover. Considered evergreen in Zones 8-11, but can also be grown as a spilling container plant that can be moved to a protected area or brought inside when temperatures drop in cooler areas. The delicate and sweetly fragranced star-shaped white flowers stand out well against the glossy green twining leaves. Available here at Creekside Nursery in staked 1 and 5 gallon pots.

Burgundy Glow Ajuga

Sometimes called Bugleweed, this is a perennial groundcover with variegated foliage. Low-growing rosettes stay close to the ground, creating a dense carpet that thwarts weeds and controls erosion. It can fill in spaces where other plants struggle to grow - even under Black Walnut trees whose chemical Juglone prevents most plant life from surviving. Short spikes of blue flowers rise above the foliage late in Spring. Deer and rabbit resistant, it thrives in Zones 4-9 in all types of lighting and the flowers attract bees and hummingbirds. Sold here in 18 count flats of 4" pots.

Penny Mac Hydrangea

This is a popular deciduous shrub with large rounded clusters of either deep blue or pink flowers that bloom repeatedly throughout the warm months on old and new growth. Flower color is dependent on soil acidity. Add aluminum sulfate to the soil to make the flowers more blue or add lime to the soil to make the flowers more pink. This variety is also ideal for cut flower arrangements. Lush, dark green leaves hold their color through the season. Performs best in Zones 5-10 in rich, moist soil and needs regular watering especially during times of extreme heat.

Wax Texanum Ligustrum

This variety of Ligustrum features dense glossy evergreen foliage and produces clusters of white blooms in Spring. A very popular and useful shrub for foundation planting, it is also used for hedges, screens or windbreaks. Texanums are considered very fast growing but are easily maintained and can also be pruned into topiary shapes. Ligustrums do well in full sun or partial shade and are considered drought tolerant but do best if they are watered during prolonged hot, dry spells.


Also commonly called Ice Plant, this African native is proven to be heat and drought tolerant while providing low-growing groundcover with succulent needle-like foliage and bright pinkish-purple flowers. The foliage is covered with transparent flakes that somewhat resemble tiny pieces of ice, hence the common name. Can handle full sun and flourishes best in Zones 5-9. Delosperma are highly attractive to bees and provide an exceptional nectar source for pollinators while bringing spots of brilliant color to open areas where other plants may not thrive.