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Algerian Ivy Marengo

Native to Northern Africa, Marengo is a variegated, evergreen, groundcover with glossy, heart shaped leaves with red stems. It is a great groundcover for bare spots in the garden or as a border along the sides of buildings. Marengo is also a vigorous self-clinging climber. It looks stunning as it crawls up walls and trellises, and adds a rustic and aged look to the structures that it clings to.


The Hosta plant is a beautiful, tough, shade loving perennial. It is grown for its amazing foliage and can be an intensely fragrant plant. It has a beautiful summer bloom and is a very drought tolerant plant. Hosta can be used as a cut flower, a fragrance, a container plant or can simply be enjoyed as a low maintenance plant. Hostas are hardy from Zones 3-9 and are also known as plantain lilies. Native to Japan, Korea and China, Hostas are very shade tolerant, low growing plants with large leaves.

Karley Rose Fountain Grass

Karley Rose Fountain Grass is a beautiful plant that performs well in the hot Texas sun! It is a patented ornamental grass that was discovered by David Skwiot in1995, who named this grass after his daughter. This grass has smoky purple plumes that will last all summer long. Its foliage is a beautiful blue-green color. This grass is very drought tolerant and is suitable for xeriscaping.

Purple Leaf Prickly Pear

Purple Prickly Pear is native to the Southwest regions of North America. Being a desert type plant, they grow well in hot arid environments and are relatively cold hardy. It requires little water once established and is a low maintenance plant. In the spring, it grows yellow flowers with red centers that produce purple fruit. The large leaf pads develop a purple tinge and are covered with large tan spines.

Manfreda Macho Mocha

Looking for a beautiful plant to display in the landscape this spring? Look no further than Creekside’s Manfreda ‘Macho Mocha’! This succulent has thick, rubbery green leaves that are covered in red spots. At maturity, it has a three foot clump of foliage that is topped by 8 foot tall white flower spikes in the late spring. Macho Mocha is drought tolerant and is suitable for xeriscaping. It does best in full sun and is attractive to bees, birds and butterflies. Hardy from Zones 8-10, it originated in Mexico and is a bigeneric hybrid that is a cross between Manfreda variegate and Agave celsii. It is a very cold hardy plant.