What's New

Bicolor Iris

Bicolor Iris is a clumping perennial with sword-shaped leaves and showy spikes of pale yellow blooms with contrasting orange-black eyes.  The evergreen foliage generally grows in fan-like clumps to about 2 feet tall and slowly spreads laterally by rhizomes.  Its beautiful blooms only last one day but flush repeatedly from spring to fall, over 2 week intervals, giving the nickname Fortnight Lily. …

Blue Grama Grass

Blue Grama is a warm season, fine leaved native grass.  Among the shortest of the native ornamental grasses, it grows 6-8” high with seed heads up to 12”.   It is known for its delicate blue-green seed heads that suspend horizontally at the tip of each stem, like a tiny brush or eyebrow.  One of the most important forage grasses in native ranges, this grass grows in bunches in the south and can…

Crape Myrtle Trees

Our standard crape myrtle trees are at their summer finest right now with profuse blooms in shades of pink, red, white, and lavender.  Pollinators of all kinds flock to these showy panicles of color.  The leaves of some of these varieties have contrasting color through the season, or transition to shades of red in the fall for weeks before winter leaf drop.  Textured, peeling bark of their trunks…

'Mystic Spires' Salvia

‘Mystic Spires’ Salvia is a compact, continuously blooming perennial with dramatic velvety purple flower spikes.   A dwarf form of the ‘Indigo Spires’ salvia, this Texas Superstar plant grows to about 30” tall and wide.  A fantastic pollinator plant like other salvias, this tough variety requires little maintenance and is very durable in hot, dry conditions.  In zones 7-11, it will die back during…