Crocus-like flowers bloom from late spring through late summer, sometimes earlier during rainy seasons. Once established, after a late summer or autumn shower, expect the magic that this bulb is known for. Multiple flowers can bloom on each stem. This plant’s foliage has a narrow, grassy look similar to sedge. They naturalize easily, forming dense evergreen clumps 6-10” tall. Rain Lilies are a nice, low growing option beneath large trees, along paths or sidewalks, in rock gardens and for tucking into groundcovers for an extra bit of sparkle. And they will multiply on their own. Plant where afternoon shade is available to the plant, especially in the hottest areas. Rain Lily plants can be injured at 28 F. (-2 C) or lower temperatures. If you want to divide, or transplant them, wait until after the flowers have bloomed in the fall, just before the plants go dormant for the winter. When moving and transplanting Rain Lily bulbs, any time of year can work if the bulbs are planted quickly and watered in. Available in 1 gallon pots here at Creekside Nursery!