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Golden Moneywort Lysimachia

Lysimachia Moneywort or “creeping Jenny”, is a low growing, creeping groundcover that forms a leafy carpet no more than four inches tall. It is a fast spreader as it roots where the leaf nodes touch the ground. It thrives in damp soils and will often choke out weeds and other groundcovers. This cultivar features rounded slightly ruffled light green leaves. In early summer it will bloom bright yellow, cup-shaped flowers. Lysimachia Golden Moneywort is great for a low maintenance groundcover along streams or ponds and is beautiful when they spill over stone walls or fences.


Here at Creekside Nursery, we currently have an abundant supply of beautiful geraniums in 2 gallon terra cotta pots! The Dynamo Dark Red Geraniums are blooming with dazzling brilliant red flowers and would be a fine addition to any color garden. We also currently have Dynamo Violet Geraniums that have beautiful dark purple flowers and are looking great. The Dynamo Salmon are also in bloom and have pretty light pink flowers that contrast well with the dark green leaves.