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Caesalpinia pulcherrima ‘Pride of Barbados’

This showy plant blooms five fiery orange-red petals that bleed to a tinge of gold on the edges. Each bloom has long prominent red stamen. It’s vibrant colors are very eye catching! The foliage is much like a mimosa tree or fernlike.

This heat loving shrub or small tree is an evergreen shrub or tree in frost free climates, a deciduous shrub in zone 9 and a returning perennial in zone 8. In these climates, it will typically grow 5-8’ tall even after freezing to the ground the previous winter, but can get much taller. However, if temperatures stay below 30 degrees for too long, it may not survive and therefore in the North and west Texas region it is an annual.

The Pride of Barbados prefers full sun but will tolerate some shade. It prefers alkaline or acidic, well-drained soil and is extremely drought tolerant.  Plant in spring or early summer.

Great as a specimen or in a mixed shrub border.