What's New


Years ago, the only place we saw these odd and exotic plants, was traveling through the great southwest or in Mexico on that family vacation! Now, as water issues are becoming such a concern in the green industry, plant hybridizers have really focused their talents on one of the most diverse group of plants in the marketplace today! The Agaves.

Agaves are no more simply the old  century plants we all recognize. Creekside offers an incredible array of very carefully selected colorations, textures and ultimate sizes. From the large attention grabbers to the smaller, decorative agaves that shine in potted patio displays or rock gardens!


It's all a part of Creekside's new line of CACTI and SUCCULENTS!

  • Agaves
  • Aloes
  • Cactus
  • Dykias
  • Echeverias
  • Manfredas
  • Sedums
  • Yuccas

...with more varieties being added all the time !