Contact Us
From Houston, going North on HWY 290
Come in at Gate 3, follow the road bed straight back towards the back of the Nursery and look for our big blue fuel tanks to your right. The Waiting Area parking lot is a couple of rows past them. You’ll see a big sign with the 2 phone numbers so you can call and check in. They’ll call you back when your order is pulled up to the dock, and you can come up and get loaded.
From I-10 W headed East
Take the Brookshire exit off I-10. Go North. This is FM 359. Follow 359 to the first stop light and turn left. Go through two stop lights and turn over the railroad tracks. You are still on FM 359 and will continue through Pattison until you reach the flashing yellow light at Monaville. At Monaville, take a left onto FM 1887. Follow FM 1887 for 7 miles. You will see the nursery on the left. The first entrance is the nursery entrance, the second entrance will take you to the nursery office in the blue building.
From Texas HWY 6
From Bryan, go south on HWY 6 approximately 45 miles. Exit Hempstead and continue straight under the US 290 overpass and into town. The road will end at an intersection facing a McDonald's. Turn right and cross the railroad tracks. Make an immediate left onto FM 1887 and follow for approx. 7 miles. The sales office entrance will be immediately to your right after you cross the Clear Creek bridge. The nursery and delivery entrance is the second entrance on the right.
Note: Large trucks and 18 wheelers, please use the Production and Delivery Entrance.

Shipping, Receiving, Will Call and Pick Ups:
Contact Jimmy- 281.898.1959
Eddie- 979.221.9711
Enter through Gate 3, follow the road straight towards the back of the nursery. Look for the large blue fuel tanks on your right, and the waiting area parking lot is a few rows past the fuel tanks.