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Philodendron 'Split Leaf'

Grown mostly for its foliage, the Split Leaf Philodendron is a tropical shrub with large, dark green, deeply lobed leaves. Considered as an evergreen, it thrives best outdoors in Zones 10-11, but can be grown anywhere in moveable containers to capture bright light, slightly humid conditions and no cold drafts. Does best in partial to full shade and can grow 8-12’ tall with a comparable width. Best to water at root level only to prevent leaf rotting. Philodendrons are considered deer resistant and are bothered by very few bugs. These plants are considered poisonous and should be kept away from curious pets and children. The sap can be irritating to sensitive skin.

Pavonia Rock Rose

This member of the mallow family does well in most conditions. Rock Rose will bloom April to November with a pretty pink bloom. Native from the Edwards Plateau to the Rio Grande plains, it has a very low water needs and is highly drought tolerant. This plant can reach to 4 feet tall. Does best in full sun but can handle partial shade. This plant is not completely deer resistant, but it is not their first food choice. Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies.

Mexican Fan Palm

The Mexican Fan Palm has crowns of large, fan-shaped, bright green fronds and shorter leafstalks with drooping leaf tips. Elegant lined along a driveway, grouped in a landscape setting around a pool or accentuated by nighttime lighting as a specimen plant, the Mexican Fan Palm is a favorite of landscapers and home gardeners as well. This is a fast-growing, cold hardy palm, and they love to grow where there is full sun exposure. Easy to grow and maintain, they are drought and salt tolerant with low to moderate watering needs once established. They can grow up to five feet a year to a mature height of 60-100 feet with a frond spread up to 15 feet. Available here at the nursery in 3, 15 and 30 gallon sizes.

Blue Sentry Yucca

This evergreen yucca has a rosette of unusual blue-green leaves and tall spikes of creamy white, bell-shaped summer flowers. Performs best in full sun and is hardy in Zones 5a – 9b. Requires well drained soil and once established, can survive some drought conditions. Blue Sentry Yucca stands out in a xeriscape type setting or can be planted in large containers. Grows slowly with a mature size of 2-3’H X 2-3’S. While this plant does not have a pronounced spine tip, it is best not to plant in near close pathways or where children or pets may play. Sold here at Creekside Nursery in 5 and 15 gallon containers.


While most Hostas are touted as shade lovers, their sunlight requirements can vary widely. The best rule of thumb for the planting of Hostas is the lighter the foliage, the brighter the sun. Ones with deeper darker foliage retain their color best in moderate shade. The variegated varieties need more sunlight to keep their white and gold stripes. All Hostas need some shade, and most will not do well in direct sunlight. In spite of their almost tropical look, Hostas are tough and once established, they can tolerate almost any soil type that has good drainage. They also can withstand short periods of drought.