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Viburnum Awabuki

The Awabuki Viburnum has large, leathery, medium to light green, glossy leaves and clusters of extremely fragrant, small white flowers in spring. Later, small red berries form and turn black when mature. Considered an evergreen, it is one of the fastest growing Viburnum varieties. Left to grow naturally, it can become a large shrub, but can easily be trimmed into a small tree form if desired. Best to prune in winter to promote even growth no matter which shape is preferred. Recommended to plant in full sun to light shade in Zones 7-10, this shrub can gain a mature height of 12-15’ with a 10-15’ spread and has high deer tolerance. Sold here at Creekside Nursery in 3- and 7-gallon containers.

Bottlebrush 'Little John'

This dwarf bottlebrush stay around 3ft in height with a 5ft spread and have a nice evergreen foliage. The red blooms atop this colorful grower bloom for an extended season. The lanced shaped foliage is blue-green with a fuzzy texture on the new growth. This evergreens dwarf size makes it perfect for smaller gardens. They do best in full sun and work best when pruned in spring before new growth begins although, they can also be pruned after blooming to keep a tidy appearance. Hummingbirds will love this addition to your landscape.

Pink Muhly Grass

Pink Muhy is not only a beautiful ornamental grass, but it is also low maintenance. This southern native grass will perform outstanding in your garden with its spiky green foliage. During the fall it is topped with airy pink flowers that put on a beautiful show. This is a great alternative to pampas grass, as the plumes fade the grass will still look great throughout the winter. Aside from occasional pruning and dividing the plants every few years, pink muhly grass rarely requires much intervention.


Like most other crotons, ‘Mamey’ is easy to take care of and features a display of bright red, yellow, brown, and green colors. Its leaves are large, thick and shiny. It can be grown as an indoor houseplant or outdoor decorative shrub. If you live in a colder climate, make sure you bring the plant indoors for the winter! The croton "Petra" is an evergreen shrub-like plant that is boldly marked with bright yellow, orange, red, and even black outlines on multi-colored leaves. They prefer full to partial sun and need bright lighting to produce their boldest colors. It prefers hot, humid weather and grows well outdoors only in Zones 9B-11. Crotons planted outdoors can reach a height of 7-10 feet.